It is thanks to former Parish Clerk, Harry Proudfoot, that the Aylsham Town Archive exists. During his term in office he collected and preserved all papers and documents relating to the parish. The Town Council have preserved this collection and it is still being added to today.
The current Archivist is Maggie Vaughan-Lewis, who with a team of volunteers, continues to catalogue and maintain the ever growing collection. Maggie continues the work of previous Archivists who all built on the work of Dr. John Sapwell, the first to organise and catalogue the materials.
Our Archive is a vast collection, ranging from Poor Law records to more recent Royal and town events. Publications and research from the Aylsham Local History Society are also housed within the Archive, along with a huge photographic record of the town which is the starting point for this website. The History Society website also has a Searchable Index of articles that is a useful resource for those wishing to find out more about many of the places, persons and events featured here.
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The images on this website are referenced using the original archive Categories and Sub-categories. We have also Tagged popular content within the images and created a comprehensive Search. Some withheld images may include people that have not given their permission for publication online. If you believe an image we have included should not be publicly available, please Contact Us and we will remove it whilst we investigate.
The full catalogue of the photographic archive is also available to view in the Heritage Centre – normally open March to November, check their website for opening times.
Original photos, documents and recordings can be accessed in the Town Archive at the Town Hall, open every Wednesday morning.
Please Contact Us if you require further information.